Committee Members

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chairman : Tn. DSP Chong Keat Fah, Vice Chairman : Mr. Jimmy Tang, Secretary : Mr. Azman Sulaiman, Assistant Secretary : Mr. Kamaldeen Moideen, Treasurer : Mr. Ahmad Ridzuan Zainal, Exco : Mr. Lee Khoon Por, Mr. Norhisham Othman, Auditors : Mej. Gurmit Singh, Mr. Mohd Rosdi Hussain _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

24 December, 2010

AVC Beach Volleyball Technical & Refereeing Seminar

Dear President,

The AVC is undergoing a rapid increase in the number of beach volleyball tournaments it runs each year. In order to catch up with the rapid development of World Beach Volleyball, AVC is going to organize several beach volleyball seminars in 2011 to train our supervisors, referees and experienced players so as to enable them more knowledge and experience. The first seminar will be organized in Thailand on 14-16 January 2011 that will cover three basic areas: General generic areas between all Supervisors (Technical and Refereeing), Technical (Competition systems, court assignment, BVIS, Continental Cup organization etc) and Refereeing (Evaluation, Observation etc). This provides all participants the opportunity in approaching the knowledge and experience at AVC Continental Cup and Beach Tour level.

Since this seminar will study aspects of running both AVC Tour events and Continental Cup requirements, we hope your federation send one person with experience in running beach volleyball tournaments at a national or international level but who needs more knowledge / experience. The course will be instructed by the best available AVC instructors.

Venue: Thailand FIVB Development Centre
Dates: 14-16 January 2011 to be held in conjunction with Thailand Universities Tournament. Schedule will allow candidates to arrive in the afternoon of 13th January and to depart in morning of 17th January.
Format: Sessions will run from morning of the 14th January to afternoon of the 16thJanuary. There will be night theory sessions.

Certification: 3 options: PASS (Can commence immediately as accredited AVC Supervisor), PASS subject to successful completion as Assistant Supervisor at AVC event during 2011, COURSE ATTENDANCE, Attended course but has not satisfied requirements, may resit via use of specified number of Assistant Supervisors roles.

Financial Condition:
A) The air ticket for the attendees to and from Bangkok will be paid by the respective national federations.
B) The hotel accommodation with full board during the above-mentioned 4 nights will be borne by AVC.

Entry Visa and Invitation Letter
Please immediately let us know the name of the representative from your federation, so that we can inform Thailand Volleyball Association to send an invitation for their visa purpose. However, the relevant visa expense will be at the cost of the NFs concerned.

Thank you for your attention and look forward to your prompt response.

Liu Jun
Executive Director

c.c. Dr. Saleh Bin Nasser, AVC President
Mr. Shanrit Wongprasert, AVC Zonal Executive Vice President
Thailand Volleyball Association


man ahmad said...

saya cadangkan agar kita menghantar wakil dalam apa2 jua seminar/kursus yg dianjurkan oleh AVC & FIVB..Adalah rugi jika kita tidak menghadirinya...jika MAVA @ MSN tidak dapat membiayainya, saya yakin ramai ahli-ahli kita yang sanggup pergi dengan perbelanjaan sendiri. Its good for our volleyball development...

Azman Bin Sulaiman said...

Yes...kita pasti akan hantar wakil, calonnya nanti akan dipersetujui dulu oleh exco lembaga..kalau dah confirm akan diumumkan...semoga seminar ini dapat mempertingkatkan lagi pengurusan Beach Volleyball di negara kita.

man ahmad said...

Betul tu bang! saya stuju 100%...beach vball semakin mendapat sambutan di Msia...harap akan ada sorang IR Beach x lama lagi...

Azman Bin Sulaiman said...

Harap-harap tahun depan dapat conduct satu lagi National Course untuk meraamaikan lagi pengadil...n dapat hantar sorang dua p IR course...siapkan la duit poket